Today I start what I call my "Tour de Hackerspace"! I'll be travelling around Europe and visit various hackerspaces on the way. To keep travel costs at a reasonable level, I bought an InterRail ticket, which allows flexible travelling by train.

Since I'm not the kind of person which is great at planing, this will be more or less a spontaneous adventure. I contacted some hackerspaces upfront and received some great and welcoming responses, especially from the Eastern part of Europe!
My first location will be the shackerspace in Stuttgart, Germany. After that I plan to visit a hackerspace in Amsterdam, then travelling a bit in the east (Czech Republic, Poland, ...) and probably attend the RustFest 2017 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
According to my definitely not definitive plan I will then travel southwards visiting Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, ... before returning to Switzerland.
I'm really looking forward to meet lots of amazing people and see how they live and hack around Europe!
I will try to write a blog post about every hackerspace I visit on my journey, so stay tuned.